Rachael Maddux

I'm a writer and an editor.

I've written magazine features, music reviews, and a lot of Slack messages you've never read. My work has been noted in Best American Sports Writing 2016 and collected in Best American Travel Writing 2015 and Scratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a Living. In 2010 I was a finalist for a National Magazine Award in Reviews & Criticism.

Lately, I mostly write essays. I send Vanitas, a monthly newsletter about life, death, and other dumb stuff. I've also written a book, a memoir about growing up mortal in the South at the turn of the millennium. It's called Life Expectancy, and it's looking for a publisher. (I'm represented by Duvall Osteen at Aragi, Inc.)

I grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and now I live in Atlanta, Georgia, with my husband, our daughter, and the memory of a good dog named Charles Darwin.

Here are some things I've written.

Great Big Hairy Expectations, Oprah Daily (2022)

A Pleasant Catastrophe, Oxford American (2021)

Rock of Ages: Chattanooga's Rock City, Garden & Gun (2018)

Over the Line, The Virginia Quarterly Review (2017)

Hammer in her Hand: Beverly "Guitar" Watkins at 76, Oxford American (2016)

Fox and Friends, Longreads (2015)

Hail Dayton, Oxford American (2014)

The Woodstock of the South, The Believer (2012)

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You can also send me an email, but only if you're nice.