Make Peace With Our Trees, How I’d Fix Atlanta (2024)
Great Big Hairy Expectations, Oprah Daily (2022)
A Pleasant Catastrophe, Oxford American (2021)
Rock of Ages: Chattanooga’s Rock City, Garden & Gun (2018)
Over the Line, Virginia Quarterly Review (2017)
Hammer in her Hand: Beverly “Guitar” Watkins at 76, Oxford American (2016)
Fox and Friends, Longreads (2015)
Hail Dayton, Oxford American (2014)
The Woodstock of the South, The Believer (2012)
My work has been noted in Best American Sports Writing 2016 and collected in Best American Travel Writing 2015 and Scratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a Living. In 2010 I was a finalist for a National Magazine Award in Reviews & Criticism.